Thursday, 25 February 2016

Life Coach Johannesburg « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Life Coach Johannesburg « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Warm yourself in the fire

“Many warm themselves in the fire kindled by someone else who has taken the trouble of collecting the firewood”, similarly many can achieve success by seeking the assistance of men and women who have learnt from experience and know the path to success.

Life coaches have the ability to see the potential that is within each and everyone, it is their mandate from the Universe to make sure that, that potential is reached. One of the reasons many people don’t reach their ultimate goals in life is that their obstacles appear bigger than they actually are. When working with a life coach you will learn how to destroy your limiting beliefs, overcome your fears and look to the future with unwavering belief in yourself.
Happiness of Life
Life Coaching Pretoria
With belief in yourself comes power and strength so great that nothing appears impossible anymore. Your goals will become so clear that you will take up that idea, make it your life, you will dream of it and live on it until it appears before you as your reality. This one idea becomes your focus, and when you are so focused on a single idea, this becomes your way to success.
  • Know your purpose/goals, there is nobody who can tell you what’s your purpose on earth, except for you.
  • Once you know what’s your purpose take action, learn as much as possible about what you have to do, volunteer, get a mentor/coach.
  • Stay focused, there will be distractions along the way, you just have to keep going.
  • Never give up, faith in yourself and faith in God is important.
“Believe that you are meant to do great things and you will do them”

Author : Suyan Budhoo
Life Coach in Johannesburg

For detail Information and further guidance
Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact for Lifes Coaching Pretoria

we cannot curl up and die, we have to find a reason to wake up every morning and live

It’s easy to become cynical after listening to the President’s State of the Nation Speech, the Budget speech and all the mayhem at the countries Universities.
Financial Coach Suyan Budhoo in Johannesburg
Financial Coaching by Suyan Budhoo at Pretoria
Despite everything that’s going on around us, we cannot curl up and die, we have to find a reason to wake up every morning and live. And, while you are living why not live the best version of your life. We cannot ignore the realities of the world around us, but we can choose to create a better reality for ourselves.

We live in stressful times, but why not use it as an excuse to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress, increase energy and activate the mind to solve problems. So instead of panicking while watching the news on tv, go for a jog.

If money is tight and you are thinking about how you can keep your family entertained without spending a small fortune at the mall, its time you start looking for cheap (or even free) alternatives. Family picnics in the park, playing a game of cricket in your backyard or even just having a binge session of your favourite series are just some of the cost effective ways you can still have fun.

South African Financial Coach Johannesburg
Financial Coach Suyan Budhoo South Africa
Birthdays, mother’s day and father’s day have become so commercialized that we believe that the best presents are the most expensive ones. Being a mother myself, the things I most enjoy is a creative meal cooked by my kids or the handmade cards. The thing about adversity is that it forces you to tap into your creative talents that may be lying dormant.
It’s easy to complain about everything that’s going wrong, sometimes all it takes is an open mind and flexibility to live a happier, healthier life. Before you complain about everything that’s going wrong, focus on what you can do to turn it around.

Author : Suyan Budhoo
Financial Coach in Johannesburg

For detail Information and further guidance
Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact for Financial Coaching Pretoria

Turn it around « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Turn it around « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Warm yourself in the fire « Joburg « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Warm yourself in the fire « Joburg « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Friday, 19 February 2016

Sabotaging business beliefs « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely journey at times, there could be days, sometimes even weeks before you start seeing any clients or selling any products at all. It’s easy to fall into depression and throwing in the towel could seem like the only choice that you have. Sabotaging business beliefs « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Preparing for Business « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

With unemployment rates at an all time high, my advice to school leavers and the unemployed is try the entrepreneurial route, you got nothing to lose anyway. People often come up with excuses about why it would fail, instead of thinking about how they can make it work. Preparing for Business « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

What is My Purpose? « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Sometimes falling into a survival trap can make you feel suffocated and bound to detest going to work at some stage. Do not despair if this happens. Here’s your answer to WHY A LIFE COACH? What is My Purpose? « Business Coach « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Growing up in the same home, makes your relationship with your siblings unique

When I was younger and sometimes fought with my siblings, I’d wish that I was an only child. Thankfully, not all wishes come true, for now that I’m older, I’m grateful for having them in my life.
Relationship coaching company
Life Coach Johannesburg
Growing up in the same home, makes your relationship with your siblings unique, without saying a word, they just get you. Because there is no model for a perfect relationship between siblings, we have to create and mold them as we go along. Forging relationships with someone of the opposite sex or even colleagues at work can be hard work, as human beings we have a natural desire to impress. The best part about family, there is no need to impress or be anything other than your true-self. I guess they stuck with you no matter what, unfortunately because of this, many people tend to take their siblings for granted.

It’s because they are always there for us that we should protect and cherish this relationship more than any other.
  • Show that you care– if a family member has done something you appreciate- no matter how small thank them. By showing them how much you care, you will encourage them to do the same in return.
  • Listen – we all need a shoulder to cry on every now and then, be a good listener, (even if you never liked the boy your sister is crying over), respond with love.
  • Empathise – don’t react in line with your feelings, get into your sister’s shoes and try to be understanding.
  • Let go of your ego – Every family has their share of problems, competing for mum’s affection, and dad’s time. Fighting over everything from clothes to boyfriends. Saying you sorry or forgiving someone doesn’t mean you lost. It just makes you a better human person.
  • Have fun together – Be goofy with your sister, everyone else will judge you.
Be the exception to the rule, despite having less time and more responsibilities, be generous with your time when It comes to your family. You never know how quickly days, months and years can pass until oneday, you will realize there’s nobody there to act goofy with.

Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Fathers now play a more active role in their children’s education

Dad, a girls first superman and a boys first James Bond, maybe that’s taking it a little too far, nonetheless you get the picture. Fathers, in the past have been portrayed as that man that leaves for work early in the morning and returns late, usually sitting infront of the tv or behind a newspaper. They did not play a major role in their children’s educational, recreational or spiritual lives, however their role seems to have changed over the past few decades.

Fathers now play a more active role in their children’s education, attending school meetings, helping with homework and even playing chauffeur. Perhaps circumstances, with both parents having to work, forced these added responsibilities onto them or could it be that they are genuinely interested?

Life Coach Johannesburg and Pretoria
Parents and Kids Relationship
Whatever the reason, this new age dad is just the answer to today’s social problems. Studies have shown that children living with both parents are emotionally more stable and display a higher level of confidence than children coming from single parent families. It has also been proven that homes with both parents have better financial stability. Despite all the encouragement from government and civil society, South Africa still sits with the dilemma that only 33% of children under the age of 5 come from homes with both parents living together.

Whether it is because of divorce or people just deciding not to marry, the truth is, children need their fathers to be part of their lives. It is important for a father to provide financially for his children as well as to have contact time, physical affection, day-to-day involvement and supportive communication.

The type of relationship a child has with his/her father can determine the kind of relationship he/she will forge with their spouse, co-workers and even their own children. Being a good father does not only mean fulfilling the obligations set out by the law. A good father is that man who will stay up late while his son studies for his matric exams or while his daughter completes her art assignment. He is that man who will take his son to the golf course on a Saturday, instead of spending it with his friends and he is that man who will spend an entire day shopping with his daughter for that perfect pair of shoes. At the end of the day, these are the memories his children will cherish of their superhero.

Suyan Budhoo – Life Coach Pretoria
For detail Information and further guidance 

Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Nobody can make you feel the way do

Professional Relationship Coaches in Johannesburg
Relationship Coach Pretoria
During the month of love, we at Success Focus are focusing on relationships, the relationship with yourself, your loved one’s, colleagues and the rest of the world. Be sure to catch all the articles in this series.

My Relationship with Myself

Whatever comes after the words I am is entirely up to you. You can choose words like I am weak, worthless, depressed, sad and have results such as sickness, depression and even death show up in your life or you can choose words like I am strong, happy, wealthy, healthy and prosperous. As soon as you said those positive words, didn’t you sit up and feel confident, like a waterfall washing over you, leaving you refreshed. I Am, affirmations create a sense that “I Am” worthy and powerful. Nobody should ever forget that they matter in this world.

Nobody can make you feel the way do, except you. So why not choose to live in harmony with the world rather than in resistance. Living in harmony does not mean you have to forget about your uniqueness, it just means that no matter what challenges show up in your life, you will achieve that which is important to you. Use the challenges as opportunities, opportunities to overcome your fears and develop your strength.

As parents we sometimes rob ourselves of loving and caring for ourselves, thinking that our children should always come first, at any cost. By doing this we are turning our children into bullies and self-centred monsters. They will start to believe that they are all important, and mums feelings are not. The world out there will teach them a very different lesson, no matter how special mum thinks they are. Mum’s need for peace and happiness is in no way less than her sons need for playing soccer.
Suyan Budhoo Life Coach Pretoria
Life and Relationship Coach Suyan Budhoo South Africa
We are all whole and complete, the only person that can make us feel any less is the person in the mirror. To keep that person in the mirror happy you need to remind yourself daily that God moulded you in his image, shouldn’t you love yourself the way God loved you.

For detail Information and further guidance
Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria

My Relationship with Myself « Cape-Town « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa

My Relationship with Myself « Cape-Town « Life Coach Pretoria, South Africa